estimable. For the first time in U. S. history the American citizen would know just where he stands on the subject of individual sexual rights. With a clearcut concept of his legal rights, he would no longer be at the mercy of hysterical state legislatures and the whims of the local constabulary.


Mr. W.


It has been our observation that many. persons are interested in the rights of homosexuals but fall short on the follow-up. Such cases would have to wait until homosexual Americans evidence a more positive state of group-consciousness and social awareness than at present. We have not seen enough of their checks coming in with Community Chest Red Cross regularity as yet.

Dear Sirs:

I just got new copy of ONE and what a surprise that the price went up. However, I am glad to pay the extra as I feel it may help the Post-office Case. A case of judgment good.


Mr. P.


From time to time I have sent in clippings to you and in one issue you acknowledged them and added that they would have much more value if your readers sent in "followup" items showing the conclusion of the incidents. This, alas, is most difficult to do, for many of these "off-beat" items appear but once and are never heard of again. I have pretty sharp eys and read several good New York papers daily, but my conclusion is that the most "newsy" items for tangents" are promptly squelched and consigned to eternal limbo.

I read each issue and think you are doing a magnificient job in general. Some of the stories are pretty weird-like many TV dramas they have "artistic" endings, which to me means that they have no endings at all. I'd enjoy them much more if they came to some logical conclusions.

Your comments about your mailing list

most interesting, and semi-tragic too, when we realize you have to resort to such means to protect your readers. I do urge you though to resort to whatever means are necessary to afford some measure of safety and peace of mind to all who trust you. Don't ever let us down, please.

Wish I had a lot of money to send to you to help in your courageous fight, but alas that cannot be done. I do buy several copies of each issue at the newsstands and distribute them to those who need your courageous example to help them adjust toward life.

Mr. P.








Survey Courses in the Socio-sexual Field.

Specialized Courses on Undergraduate and Graduate Levels.

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Write DIRECTOR for information


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